

8am - 4pm Monday to Friday
8am - 12pm Saturday


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Located In

Union, Kentucky

General Inquiries

Frequently Asked Questions

Lawn Nutrition
Why does my lawn have mushrooms?

Mushrooms are a great sign that your soil health is well. Within our Lawn Nutrition Program, we are creating a habitat for microbial activity to flourish and because of this process, mushrooms feel the need to flourish as well. Fear not, they go away after a handful of weeks and are easy to just kick over. No treatment is necessary.

Establishing a beautiful lawn is one of the most time-consuming projects you can do. Too often in this day in age, people expect instant gratification. When you are inviting a healthy habitat to your lawn, it will get worse, before it gets better. We call this the cleanup process. Cleaning up a lawn infested with weeds and lacking nutrients takes time. We ask that you give Total Green 1 full year to allow our program to work into your soil, balancing out the problems of the past. Keep in mind each lawn is different, so if there are areas still lacking, reach out and discuss additional options that we can do to bring your lawn back to balance.

It is always recommended to water your plants when it is dry and there’s a lack of water. Watering does not reduce the efficacy of the application applied to your lawn.

Mow your lawn around 4” all season long. Keep in mind, the final cut for the season should be short, possibly 3” going into winter. You don’t want tall grass laying on itself all winter long, this creates issues going into the spring growth cycle.

Yes. Our number one goal is to create a beautiful lawn for you. When weeds are involved, it makes that possibility much more difficult. Give us an email or call and we would be glad to handle a free service call as needed.

If my neighbor has mosquitos, will they come into my yard even if Total Green is treating for them?

The presence of mosquitos will be significantly reduced due to the fact you are having Total Green treat your lawn for mosquitos.

No, we apply around 5’-10’ away from any body of water. We don’t want any products to leach into any body of water.

Yes. Anytime it rains directly after our mosquito treatment, you risk the chance of product washing away. This only occurs after a heavy downpour. A light rain shouldn’t reduce the efficacy as drastically. In this case, please advise us that you need an additional, free treatment.

No. Staying consistent is the key to long-term success with the reduction of mosquitos. A one-time application will give you great results, yes. But for long-term success of the reduction of mosquitos will require consistent, monthly treatments.

Each mosquito treatment can reach a maximum of 30 days and some instances 2 weeks

Should I water my lawn after a lawn renovation is performed, such as aeration & seeding?

Yes. Ensure you are watering in the morning and at midday. Make sure the lawn remains damp throughout the day. This will create a good environment for the seed to plant itself into the soil. Continue to water your lawn daily, for 3-4 weeks. After you see germination, you can water once per day, each week is preferred. Watering always helps the turf in several ways.

No. Leave the cores, they will break down and in 2 weeks or so, and will turn into organic matter and dissolve, with the help of watering.

If you’re able, while consistent with your watering frequency, give the lawn a week or 2 weeks, at most, before resuming normal activity. The longer you can hold off with foot traffic, the better. Mowing won’t harm any new seed development. Be careful when changing mowing directions, to not churn up the soil with your tires.

Yes. Call 811 Dig and be proactive about your underground utilities being marked. This will help us with any precautionary mistakes that can happen out on your lawn during this process. Typically, these utility companies don’t bury their cables deep enough (to code) and by fault, our aeration process can disturb your underground wires, creating a short-term headache.

If my neighbor has insects, will they come into my yard even if Total Green is treating them?

The presence of insects will be significantly reduced due to the fact you are having Total Green treat your lawn for insects.

No, we apply around 5’-10’ away from any body of water. We don’t want any products to leach into any body of water.

Yes. Anytime it rains directly after our lawn insect treatment, you risk the chance of product washing away. This only occurs after a heavy downpour. A light rain shouldn’t reduce the efficacy as drastically. In this case, please advise us that you need an additional, free treatment.

Each lawn insect treatment can reach a maximum of 30 days and some instances 2 weeks.

Will rain reduce the effectiveness of today’s application?

No, rain helps rinse our products into the soil, allowing the plants to uptake the products. Our products work from the inside of the plant, outwardly.

Yes. Just because you don’t see pests, doesn’t mean you need to halt service. Halting service, in time, will start introducing pests back into your plants, creating habitats. You want to ensure you’re keeping your plants protecting year-round, season to season. Once the program stops, pests begin intruding and will soon find their way into your home as well.

It is always recommended to water your plants when it is dry and there’s a lack of water. Watering does not reduce the efficacy of the application applied to your plants.

No. Providing care to your trees and shrubs, just like your lawn, takes time. We use a mixture of slow-release nutrition as well as a mixture of products that require time and patience to work. If you give the program a full season, you should notice better blooming and foliage density. The process takes time and is an investment into an expensive part of your outdoor living space. If you continue the program year in and year out, your plants should improve each season.

No. This Tree & Shrub Health Service is specifically designed for the plants held within your landscape bed boundaries. We don’t treat large trees.

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